How To Increase Employee Performance
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How To Increase Employee Performance

Uncategorized Dec 25, 2019

How To Increase Employee Performance

When talking about boosting employee performance, the solutions are never rocket science; while simple, they’re never that easy to follow through with. Today I want to introduce one thing you can do to help make sure you’re increasing employee performance that most people aren’t doing.

Tell Them How To Win

Speaker Dr. Henry Cloud is a psychologist that travels around the country, who basically helps organizations get stronger. When addressing leaders he often makes them look in the mirror, challenging them, to make sure that they’re actually growing. One of the questions he asks is “Does your team know how they are going to win?”.

This idea is different to one we wrote about a few weeks ago, which was about ensuring your team know what a win looks like and where they are going. Instead we’re going to help you establish steps and tactics to get your team on track to learning that how.

As managers or business owners I find that we either don’t communicate how to win, or when we do provide that knowledge to employees we tend to over complicate it.

If you want to increase employee performance, you’ve got to show your team how to do it. I recommend doing it in three simple steps.

The Importance of Three Easy Steps

You need to communicate to your team the most important three things they have to do in order to win. It is crucial that these three things are connected in some way; maybe they’re three steps in chronological order, or that they are generally helpful points that work together overall.

Michael Hyatt conveys this concept well when he talks about controlling your week, or month, or schedule, you need to have a “Big Three”. By breaking what may be a complex process down with three steps, or three elements, it will truly help convey the message you your teamneeds so they have what’s required in order to win.

Simple But Not Easy

Maybe you have a motivated team, and workers that are ready to go, but if you don’t communicate clearly in a way they can understand, they’ll have difficulty acting on your strategy effectively.

Another point that’s often missed is your team members might be arriving at wins in a different place. It’s important that each of your employees knows which function they serve within your company.

In my team we have assistance, advisors, people running automation, and budgeting, and so on. For each of these specific roles I create a different “Big Three”. So my employees know how to win, in relation to the areas or functions where they are most important.

Your tactics on how to win not only need to be clearly communicated, but siloed for each separate role and each individual employee.

This Week’s Take Away

This week I want you to determine, for one subset of your team, what could the big three be. Think of the possible three steps, or focuses, your employees need to keep in mind in order for them to win— for a single role within your business. It doesn’t have to be overly complex or overwhelming... don’t think of your entire company as a whole, but instead just a small subset of your employees.


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