How Did Move My Company to Move in a Growing Direction
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How Did Move My Company to Move in a Growing Direction

Uncategorized Oct 30, 2019

How Did Move My Company to Move in a Growing Direction

All of us as business owners want to have companies that are growing, and we want to aspire to greatness, and above all move in a positive direction. My company Stewardship recently won Inc 5000s Fastest Growing Company in America Award. How did I get us to move in that direction?

Let’s talk about the Award itself. It’s not a political decision, or one based off of who can fill out the most forms or submit the best paperwork for candidacy. Inc 5000 is literally looking at the financial records for the top companies in the country. It’s an actual numbers game, and something that we received using methods I think you can accomplish too.

Get Your Financials Where You Want Them

Everything changed for me when I got out of working in my business, and began working onmy business. In other words, the dramatic shift occurred when I started to hire and trust other people to create a culture where they could move foward. Letting go of the day-to-day operations by delegating and putting my team in a position where they could do it better than me.

Ultimately I placed myself in a CEO role. It allowed me to shift my focus and value to the specific points where it most needed the attention. As an entrepreneur I’m certain you have ideas, knowledge, and might even have early plans in place of what you want to do that would really take your business to the next level. I had all kinds of things in mind that I knew would grow my company exponentially and impact the community... but I couldn’t act on them, because I was stuck in the day-to-day.

The solution was to develop a self managed team. Now I was going to that self managed team with the value that I had; with those endeavors, with those things I wanted to do, and my self directed team to act on them. While I still had my hand in a lot of it, my main focus could instead jump on formulating the next big idea. Repeating this process allowed us to continue to build, and build, and build.

Be Your CEO

You cannot make growth strategies come to life when you’re stuck in the day-to-day. If you’re the owner, operator, salesperson, IT, HR or any of the other hats I know you’ve worn at one time or another, it is simply impossible to create actionable results on your quest of growing. True, small businesses have phases and you will be drawn to certain things as you navigate them, but at some point you need to place yourself in the CEO position and hire a team of people that are self managed.

This Week’s Take Away

Start thinking about all of the things that you do, that could be given to a self directed team or employee. These are the tasks that you’re still doing daily that can be successfully transitions to somebody else. This week, take out a sheet of paper and create that list.


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